Good books about Turkey

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There are many good books about Turkey, and after reading most of them (and writing one or five of them), here are some I’d like to recommend (updated May 2024). Happy reading! FYI I’ve reviewed the books about Turkey marked with an asterisk and you can read what I thought by clicking on the title.



Culture, Society & History and more


Other book lists

Best Books for Exploring and Understanding Istanbul, Discover the Best Books, May 31, 2021.
Best Books to Understand the Heart and Soul of Turkey and Its People, Discover the Best books, June 21, 2021.

These are only a fraction of the good books about Turkey that I’ve read. If you have any favourite books about Turkey you’d like to recommend, please add them in the comments.

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  1. I think you don’t have any female authors on your list. I would include Elif Safak’s books which reflect life in Turkey mostly Istanbul.

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