Review of Salep and Ginger by Jane Gundogan

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Without going into quite as much detail as Jane Gundogan does in Salep and Ginger, let’s just say I can relate all too well to her heroine Ginger discovering the man of her life was also the main man of another woman’s life. In my case there was more than one other woman, but that’s another tale.

The Ginger in this story is an upfront “take me as you find me” kind of Australian woman living in London, who discovers that wearing her heart on her sleeve gets her nothing more than an unfaithful fiancé and a life in tatters. Despite the best efforts of her English friends to heal her broken heart, a call from home wins out. However when her flight gets held over in Istanbul, everything changes in an instant.

Have you read Salep and Ginger yet?

A Turkish heart throb (re)enters Ginger’s life, ramping up the heat big time in this “read it alone under the covers” romp. Ginger is breathless with desire a lot of the time, and readers will be too. There’s a lot of sex in this book, so I don’t recommend it if you’re at all prudish. It’s written by an adult Australian woman and Australians are known for being direct. That said, unlike some erotic novels where the sex is gratuitous, in Salep and Ginger the bedroom scenes (OK, here’s a little spoiler, in other places as well) add flavour to a well written story rather than taking the place of one.

Sex aside, you’ll get your money’s worth in Salep and Ginger with a story you can get your teeth (and other body parts) into. As soon as I finished the first page of Ginger and Salep I was hooked and impatient to find out how everything panned out, just as I know you will be.

Get ready to sizzle! Buy a copy of Salep and Ginger today.

Title: Salep and Ginger
Publisher: Jane Gundogan
Date: September, 2019
ISBN: 978-1689681872

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  1. I absolutely loved this book and my husband who’s in his 80s enjoyed it too. We spend a large part of the year in Turkey and found it light, entertaining and informative (I glossed over the sex bits to be honest 😉

    1. I know Jane will be thrilled to hear how much you and your husband loved the book. I think it’s great you enjoyed it even without really dipping into the sex scenes.

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