Culture Smart Turkey by Charlotte McPherson

Culture Smart Turkey by Charlotte McPherson

This pocket size guide to the essential customs and culture of Turkey is a must read whether you’re coming to Turkey for the first time or plan to live here for a while. Unlike the usual guide book or personal travel narrative, Culture Smart Turkey contains a carefully thought out wealth of information about the…

Easter in Turkey: Eggs, buns, bunnies or church

Easter in Turkey: Eggs, buns, bunnies or church

My family wasn’t religious, so when I was a little girl in primary school I was always slightly jealous of the other children at Easter. I’d see them emerge from scripture classes clutching Easter bonnets festooned with strips of paper, straw baskets filled with fluffy yellow cotton wool chickens and colourful pictures of the saints….

Kurban Bayram – My first Feast of the Sacrifice

Kurban Bayram – My first Feast of the Sacrifice

I can vividly remember the first time I came face to face with the results of the feast known in Turkey as Kurban Bayram. It’s the traditional religious holiday when all Muslim are expected to commemorate the strength of Ibrahim’s faith by sacrificing a cow, sheep or goat (read more about the meaning of Kurban…