Longing for Istanbul release 26.11.21

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Have you read Longing for Istanbul yet?

I’m pleased to announce the release of my latest book, Longing for Istanbul: The Words I Haven’t Said Yet.

In the last two years while the world as we know it has turned upside down, I’ve worked hard to share my life in Istanbul through my blog and Facebook posts, Instagram pictures and tweets. The feedback I’ve had from you, my readers, is the thing you like most is when I share life here as it really is, warts and all.

With that in mind I decided to put together all the essays I’ve written that don’t present a picture of Istanbul as a fabulous city steeped equally and only in history, mystery and Ottoman intrigue. Instead I wrote about the things that puzzled me, made me sad, scared me, made me angry, challenged and delighted me.

Things such as the difficulties involved in negotiating life as a non-Turkish woman in a culture that’s very different from my own, replacing distressing teenage memories of Christmas with new ones with a distinctly Turkish flavour, learning to accept my body through belly dancing, or dealing with the disillusion and dismay that are part and parcel of falling in love with a place then discovering it’s not what you thought it would be, before coming out the other side knowing you love it more than words can say.

Here's my new author photo. I hope you like it.
Me at home in front of my bookcase

As always my aim is to share the everyday extraordinary of life in modern Istanbul even though I now accept that no matter how long I live in Istanbul, I’ll never truly understand it. However that’s the beauty of our relationship. It always keeps me guessing.

I hope you find as much excitement and joy in Longing for Istanbul: The Words I Haven’t Said Yet as I do in my life here. Don’t forget to leave a review on Amazon or Goodreads. Every positive review, no matter how short, makes a difference!

You can read about all my books on my Amazon Author Page.

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  1. Gülü Seven Dikenine katlanir..not Dikinine.. Introduction part. The entrance sentence at the very first second, drew my attention.. With a small editorial mistake.. I promise I will read all. And feel. happy

    1. Dear Elçin, Thank you for deciding to read my book. I do hope you enjoy it. Let me know. Thank you for telling me about the spelling mistake in the quote. Regards, Lisa

  2. Lisa, I’m reading ALL your books since discovering you thru the Facebook post on TDAG about this latest one. I will leave thoughtful reviews when they ripen in my head. My Armenian family roots are in Gaziantep. Could we correspond? I don’t know how else to contact you. Please email me. Thank you!

    1. Hi Martha, Thank you so much for letting me know you have discovered my books. I hope you enjoy them and they give you food for thought. I look forward to reading your reviews. You are very welcome to email me at Goreme1990@hotmail.com.

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