Laugh with Perking the Pansies by Jack Scott

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Perking the Pansies by Jack Scott tells the tale of Jack and Liam, a gay couple, who move from a thriving metropolis to a small Aegean town in Turkey, expecting to find a satisfying social whirl, albeit with better weather. Instead they face the dilemma of any expat – a small community which expects everyone to instantly bond based on shared language and booze consumption.

Try perking the pansies with Jack Scott!

What they find is a mixed community of tragi-comic characters determined to take them under their collective wing. Crusty would-be English gents who bemoan the setting of the sun on the long lost Empire the lower the level in their glass becomes. Failed retirees whose pensions no longer provide them with the standard of living to which they’d aspired. Expats whose bodies reside in Turkey but whose thoughts and customs remain firmly rooted in mother England.

Women of a certain age who copy Brittany Spears’s schoolgirl phase when choosing their clothes and engage in unsuitable romances with local Turkish men. And other women who have learned from the latter and now engage in a more fulfilling romance with life in Turkey, with all it has to offer. Turn the pages of this witty and engaging memoir and discover how in a short space of time, Jack in particular manages to alienate or offend almost all of the people in these groups, but as the months pass, his and Liam’s openness to difference helps them forge close friendships with some.

Why you should read Perking the Pansies

If your life is like the one Jack and Liam used to lead, and you’re caught up in the crush of long gruelling hours at work and depressed by the particularly grey hue of Northern European winters, Turkey is a great place for a holiday in the sun. It can be absolutely spell-binding, and many a holiday maker has returned to their normal life and started talking about moving there for good. However, crossing the divide between fantasy and action is a big step. As Jack and Liam discovered, the difference between an imagined new life and the actual one can be a real shock. If you’re lost in the dream, this is the book for you!

Buy your copy of Perking the Pansies: Jack and Liam Move to Turkey by Jack Scott itoday!

Title: Perking the Pansies: Jack and Liam Move to Turkey
Publisher: Springtime Books
Date: 2015
ISBN: 978-1904881643

For more books about Turkey check out my review page here.

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    1. That sounds like a great idea. You should get in touch with the author about that. He has a FB author page.

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